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Why is this Passover different ...

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-25 at

Seder night has passed. Some of you were surrounded by your loved ones, while others, due to COVID-19, spent it alone.  At Neve Michael, the children spent Seder night in the village.


COVID-19 is affecting our children in different ways.


Ahava* is 11 years old and has been at Neve Michael for six years. Her mother was high on drugs when she tried to kill Ahava who was then just 5 years old.  "Of course I think about my mother during Passover. I feel bad that she is not with me."


David* is 12 years old. His mother died of a drug overdose when he was 6 years old. His father is in jail and hasn't seen him in six years.

"I am not afraid of the corona virus. I feel safe and happy at Neve Michael."


Michal* is 17 years old and came to Neve Michael 10 years ago. She witnessed her father slicing her mother's throat during a fight.

"I am scared that I will get the corona virus and I feel trapped that I cannot leave Neve Michael's campus. Sometimes at night, I start to shake

and cry."



COVID-19 is also causing financial strain at Neve Michael.


Neve Michael has had to absorb an unexpected increase in overtime payment for staff, increased food expenses, the purchase of disinfectants and protective materials, and an increase in the amount and cost of activities and workshops to keep our children occupied during the lockdown.


For every dollar raised an anonymous donor will match up to $10,000! Please Donate Today!




Bravo Graduates!

Please give a BIG BRAVO to Neve Michael's soon to be graduates who participated in the Mud Race in the Yehoshua Gardens in Tel Aviv. After graduation some will go to straight to the army, and others to pre-army preparatory programs and Hesder Yeshivot. Today, the mud race included mud obstacles, an ice pool and a lot of great, cohesive, group team work. Yechiam Sherlo, an avid runner and director of the Family Homes in Neve Michael, always accompanies all runners. His message about life to these runners, " Together, you might fall in the mud. But always get up with a smile on your face and keep running."Shabbat Shalom and have a great weekend.


How sweet it is!

Check out Neve Michael's graduates of the "Shades of Sweet" course which is a social enterprise for the purpose of training, empowering and employing teenage youth through a process of production and sales of chocolate pralines.

      The social enterprise enables the teenagers to participate in all phases of the production of boutique chocolate. The youngsters learn how to produce chocolate and experience the basic processes of running a business such as: leadership, branding, marketing and sales. 


Children give back to the community

Giving Back to the Community through Sports
Did you know that a volunteer group of Neve Michael youth lead various sports activities for mentally challenged young adults on Monday afternoon in Maon Ramim in Pardes Hana? This unique undertaking enables our children to act as givers by helping severely mentally challenged young adults enjoy the benefits of participating in healthy and vigorous outdoor activities.


From Neve to the Miami 21 km Marathon!

Neve Michael's successful marathon runners have returned from Miami. 

    Please give Neve Michael's marathon runners and Yechiam Sherlo, Director of the Family Homes in Neve Michael, who helped them train and is an amazing role model and inspiration for our children, a BIG BRAVO for participating in the Miami Marathon.



Holocaust Remembrance Day

On International Holocaust Remembrance day, the children in Neve Michael are taught about the atrocities of the Holocaust and have a wonderful community outreach program where they visit childless holocaust survivors, bringing them food and sweets. They also invite the Holocaust survivors to various events in Neve Michael. WE MUST NEVER FORGET!!!


Slam Dunk!

You cannot imagine how excited the children at Neve Michael were when Itai Segev, a professional basketball player in the Israeli Premier League, came to meet and speak with them. What an amazing time!!! 


A Chanukah Rememberance

The children participated in a Hannukah party with the local Holocaust survivors whom they visit every week. It was so emotional to see how the children have bonded with these wonderful people and how much our children bring such joy and love into their lives. After that, we continued with a display of Hannukiyot ( Menorahs ) that our creative children made. This year's theme was the "Unity of our Nation". Please give them a BIG BRAVO. The children of Neve Michael wishes everyone a very happy Hannukah!!!

Friends of Neve Michael Children's Village
P.O. Box 260067
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
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